CCBQ’s Relatives as Parents Program (R.A.P.P.) recently hosted their own Red Table Talk session at the Riverdale Osborne Towers in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Feeling inspired by Jada Pinkett Smith’s popular series featuring daughter Willow Smith and mother Adrienne Banfield-Norris, the show discusses real-life issues including growing up, insecurities and the inevitable perils of life. Members discussed their Mother’s Day and for some it was a day of pampering, relaxing and family visits. And for others, it was a solemn day as they reminisced of their late mothers. Later in the day, Lieutenant John Fiumano from the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) shared information on fire and electrical safety. Participants went home with pill boxes, nail polish, notebooks and pens.
Caregivers Share Their Inner Thoughts During Red Table Talk